Thursday, January 16, 2014

Blind Wine Tasting

Have you been wine tasting lately? In a blind wine tasting of phenomenal wines this week, our Lucchesi Cabernet Sauvignon was the clear favorite! Thank you, friends, for passing along this nice review:

"I thought you might be interested in a blind wine tasting we participated in last night.  Along with an excellent beef dinner, we had 4 different Cabernet Sauvignon wines, all sealed in bags to prevent identification.  We knew that three were 2005 Cabs and one was a 1999 Cab.  We also knew one was a Napa Silver Oak, one was a Viansa V Cab, one was Bortoni Cab.  The fourth wine was unknown, but brought by a very savvy wine taster.  When all was said and done, one wine was judged by 3 of the 5 tasters as the very best and we all predicted it to be the Silver Oak.  But, oh no! When the bags were removed from the bottles, we found that the favored wine was not Silver Oak - it was a 2005 Lucchesi Cab!  And, it was really good!

We are looking forward to our next visit to Lucchesi."

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Wild and Scenic Art Show

The Wild and Scenic Film Festival is this weekend! During the event, and lasting until February 3rd, we have art from the Wild and Scenic Art Show displayed in the Lucchesi Tasting Room! Come enjoy a glass of wine and see beautiful art from these local artists: Kerstin Ronsiek, Linda Galusha, Bruce Malnor, and Margie Miller!

These are a few photos of some of the art we have currently displayed: